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SWOT Analysis Google Sheets Template

4.6 (5 reviews)

Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats effortlessly in Google Sheets. Strategically analyze your business with SWOT matrix. Available on all devices.


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If you’re a startup looking to establish a market presence or an established company seeking growth avenues, our SWOT Analysis Google Sheets Template is the tool to empower businesses and individuals in making strategic decisions with confidence and foresight.

Definition of SWOT Analysis:

SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning framework that assesses an entity’s internal Strengths and Weaknesses, while also analyzing external Opportunities and Threats, to provide a comprehensive understanding of its current position and potential directions.

Why do you need SWOT Analysis Google Sheets Template?

The primary objective of SWOT Analysis is to help businesses and individuals identify crucial factors that influence their performance and success. By examining both internal attributes and external factors in a structured manner, the analysis enables informed decision-making, enhanced problem-solving, and the formulation of effective strategies to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats.

SWOT Analysis Google Sheets Template Features

Let’s explore the key components of our template:

1. Strengths:

With designated sections to identify and evaluate internal strengths, our template encourages users to assess core competencies, unique selling points, and advantages over competitors.

Decision-making tool for Business planning - strenghts

Some of the questions you can ask yourself to list your strengths are:

  • What are your assets?
  • Which one of those assets is the strongest?
  • What makes you better than your competitors?
  • Do you have a strong customer base?

2. Weaknesses:

To understand areas requiring improvement, you have this space to pinpoint of internal weaknesses and limitations.

Competitor analysis matrix tool - weaknesses

Some of the questions you can ask yourself to list your weaknesses are:

  • What areas do you need improvement on?
  • What are the things you need to avoid?
  • What areas do your competitors have an advantage on?

3. Opportunities:

Recognizing opportunities is vital for any entity’s success. Our SWOT Analysis Google Sheets template has a space for highlighting these opportunities.

Business Opportunities analysis for Sustainable growth

Some of the questions you can ask yourself to list your opportunities are:

  • What external changes will bring your opportunities?
  • What are the current ongoing trends?
  • Will these trends affect you in a positive manner?

4. Threats:

You can address the external factors that may impede progress in the Threats section.

Threats assessment for Action plan

You can ask questions such as below to identify the potential threats:

  • What are the negative aspects in the current market?
  • Are there potential competitors who can give you a competition in the future?
  • What are the obstacles you are facing in the current mission?

SWOT Analysis Google Sheets Template Summary

  • Ready to use, blank online SWOT Framework Template
  • Ready-to-present and print ready
  • Informational notes included
  • Available on all devices (including mobile, desktop, and tablet)
  • Works both on Mac and Windows
  • Does not include any VBA macros

SWOT Analysis Template is a ready-to-use Google Sheets Template and provided as-is. If you need customization on your reports or need more complex templates, please refer to our custom services.


Watch the video below to see the template in action! Presentation also includes usage notes, explanations and tips & tricks about the template.


Below are some samples created by SWOT Analysis Google Sheets Template. Examples are available in different formats and free to download.


Chick-fil-A SWOT Analysis Template

Free download Chick-fil-A SWOT Analysis. Dive into the business of Chick-fill-A. Ready files for you to analyze. Available in Excel and PDF.


5 reviews for SWOT Analysis Google Sheets Template

  1. Emily Johnson

    more dummy data would be nice. I need more sample while preparing my swot. But nice work as a template.

    • Someka

      Thank you Emily. We try to make more examples for our templates to give an idea about how to use them. Check our swot analysis examples collection to explore more practices on swots.

      Hope this will help!

  2. Ivan Petrovic

    Again nice work someka. I like your style!

  3. Emily Johnson

    I want to have all the qaudrants the same color: blue. Is it possible?

    • Someka

      Yes sure. Our templates are customizable, you can change the colors. If you need technical help, just let us know. We’ll be happy to assist.

  4. Lucy Roberts

    you guys make the simplest files look professional

  5. Henry Wright

    so simple

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